Thursday, September 12, 2013

Costa Rica

I cant figure out how to un-bold this text. I guess that shows how un-tech savvy I am. I tried to press the bold B and highlight and unpress it twenty times, but it wont change. Oh well,  now I am giving up and just writing it in bold letters. I guess that is fitting because an entry about Costa Rica deserves to be in bold letters, because Costa Rica was AWESOME! We looooved it!

I should probably start by stating that all of these honeymoons were made possible through the lovely thing called standby. It has been a big blessing that has opened up many opportunities and adventures for us. (Spoiler for the next few posts but) In just 5 weeks we flew from Denver to Albuquerque to Houston to San Jose Costa Rica to Houston to Salt Lake to Denver to Newark to San Juan Puerto Rico to Dullas to Tokyo Japan to Bangkok Thailand to Phuket Thailand t Krabi to Bangkok to Tokyo to Denver to Washington D.C.  to Newark to Tel Aviv Israel to Newark to San Francisco to Salt Lake to Denver to Hawaii. Phewf! That is well over 50,000 miles. So together, that is a whopping 100,000+ miles weve traveled! Yay for standby.
First, at our night at the Double Tree in Denver they happened to be having a Comic-con festival. So hundreds of people dressed up like this (below: notice the small blue blur in the hot tub) or as wolves and walked around the hotel. It was rather entertaining to me and Keith. We even thought it was hilarious when a group of 15-20 of them woke us up at 4 in the morning with their wolf cry to the moon.
 The plane ride to Costa Rica was so empty! We have lucked out on getting the entire row to ourselves on so many of our flights. And Keith is always so good to me and lets me sleep across the two seats and his lap! I have become so spoiled and accustomed to it, I am so disappointed when we don't get the entire row. 
When we got to Costa Rica we got the cheapest, tiny car! And found the Temple!
We stayed at the beautiful Puntarenas Double Tree all-inclusive Resort! Keith and I LOVED every single meal we had at the resort. It felt like a cruise.
Zip-lining in the jungle was one of the coolest things Ive ever done! We found an awesome place that had 13 zip lines and a Tarzan fall! (like bungee jumping!)  We also saw the volcano in Arenal! We were lucky because it was a clear day and we got to see the top of the volcano which rarely happens.  
Keith also found a rope swing at the bottom of the waterfall. So cool! The water was so warm and had these crazy whirl pools. 
We also loved the endless supply of free piña coladas and strawberry daiquiris. We drank them by the dozens at the pool, in our favorite hammock, and walking down the beach and the pier. The hotel had activities all day and entertainment at night. We were sad when we had to leave  :( but excited for our Utah reception!

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